Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I'll make you break the law!

Now, those of you who know me know that I love speeding. A lot. Further, people riding in the left hand lane who don't let me pass are so increadibly frustraitng. I was, therefore, excited to see this provision in a house bill:

"an operator of a vehicle traveling in the left lane may not impede the
free flow of traffic and shall, upon being overtaken by a vehicle in the same lane,
yield to the vehicle;"

About time.

I was thinking, man, this is really good, but no one is going to know about this. How can people hear about it?

Oh, yeah, I work for a newspaper, duh.

Here's something interesting about the law:

"provides that if an operator is being followed by a vehicle in the left lane within a
certain distance, it is prima facie evidence that the operator is impeding the free
flow of traffic"

Doesn't this say that if I tail gate you, then you've violated the law?

I hope so. You need to get to the right, for the love of all that is holy.

One sad note, the provision that would raise Utah's speedlimits by 5 mph was struck from the bill. Very sad indeed.

1 comment:

DP said...

The funny thing is, there's already something in the state traffic code about that. They just don't enforce it.

Check out UCA 41-6a-704-(2).