Tuesday, February 6, 2007


Tell me, my friends, if a bill that proposes to let the under insured get access to a vaccine that PREVENTS CANCER comes before you, (HB 358, heard in HHS standing committee today) would you amend the bill to only educate those people about the vaccine, but not give those who can't afford it the vaccine?

Good job, Rep. Ray. Way to provide for the very poor and the rich, and nail the middle class kids to a tree.

Can someone really think that even kids who are raised in a strong LDS home don't have a chance of making a mistake and, at some time, getting it on, ergo risking catching HPV, the virus that leads to cervical cancer?

Why would you want to restrict access to this vaccine? I ask because that is the affect of The HHS standing committee’s recommendation today.

How arrogant can of a human being would one have to be to suggest that providing a vaccine could condone an action (I’m looking at you Eagle Forum; shame on you for this one), ergo it is better that they be placed at in increased risk of death?

Would you really rather see children suffer for their mistakes than risk yourself being held responsible for condoning those mistakes? Selfish, unwise, and un-Christ-like.

Acknowledging that even good kids make mistakes isn't promoting teen sex. Geez, protect your kids.

And I'd like to add a personal perspective. Having been in many-a bishopric meeting, I can say people make mistakes. This is the point of the LDS church: to help them, to keep them, to watch over them, to care for them, as the Master would. Never are we to take away the chance for redemption because you were to afraid that by telling them that they could repent of a sin that you were encouraging them to sin in the first place.

Utah Eagle Forum, et. al., I fear that you have overstepped your bounds egregiously.

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